Small Business, Big Thinking

By - Stephen
20.09.18 01:34 PM

Did you know that by rallying together with other similar businesses you can negotiate preferential group rates with electricity retailers?

If you are part of a buying group or industry association, you probably already use this platform to"bulk buy", why not do it with electricity products too?

Empower can help you by talking to your industry advocate or association about participation in our Partner Program, or help you to build a network with similar small businesses to form your own energy user's association.

Empower's Partner Program helps all members to work together to save on energy charges and receive the perks of big energy customers.

Here are details from the June 2018 ACCC Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry which illustrate that large C&I customers pay much lower prices per unit of electricity than residential and small business customers.

Summary of residential, SME and C&I cost stacks c/kWh for the NEM 2017-18: